Friday, February 19, 2016

Season 1, Episode 5 "Okay Awesome"

LVL 10 Good Guy Blog (How I Met Your Mother Read Along) Season 1, Episode 5 (Okay Awesome)

Dipping Stuff in Cheese with Boring People

I get it. Why is there such pressure to evolve into an adult state? I never got this. Somehow there seemed to be a rush to get the car, the house, and the kids. I never understood this at all. I am perfectly ok with living on a boat with the bare minimum. There's really not much in life that I need except the right girl. I hated this phenomenon. I don't have a deep insight for you on this one. Let's move on.

Okay Awesome
For the last few years I wanted to be free to go be awesome. It was never an option for me. My wife was so boring, the queen of boring, of Boredville in the Kingdom of Bordenium. It was one of the central reasons why we're not together or why I didn't want to continue the relationship. Here's the deal I'm different and I don't have any interest in going out except if it is in the pursuit of some physical love. If I can get that from a woman I'm all good.

Today is the first Friday I spent alone. I ate, watched TV, then cleaned out the master bathroom. I moved my stuff in there and cleaned out all her crap. It feels like its mine now. God, I want to get laid. I want to rest my head on some one's chest and hear them breathe. I want it to be OK. I want to be OK. My chest hurts. I struggle with my hormones and the crippling fear of leaving my home. It is so comfortable here. Just saw a movie called "This Thing with Sarah" Awesome movie. Totally speaks to my situation. I would love nothing better than to find a rebound girl I can't hurt. That's the catch. I can't use anyone. I am immensely honest. The guilt would kill me. I can't bring harm to another if I can help it.

What do I do, dear reader? I have never been to a bar or done the night scene. Should I go? I don't drink. I'm a small guy. Someone can hurt me. I don't know.

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