Saturday, February 27, 2016

Season 1, Episode 9 (Belly Full of Turkey)

LVL 10 Good Guy Blog (How I Met Your Mother Read Along) Season 1, Episode 9 (Belly Full of Turkey)

The Pregnancy Scare

In this episode, Lily and Marshal go home to St.Cloud, MN for Thanksgiving and have a pregnancy scare. Ted, Robin, and Barney spend time at a soup kitchen for Thanksgiving. Lately, I've been going on to the dating online scene. Here are some thoughts I've been struggling with that I don't know who to share with.

First, my wife and I's sex life was ruined by the pursuit of children. We tried for five years unsuccessfully. Medically, we're both able to but it never happened. In the end, having sex was depressing. I could look into her eyes and see her asking me, "what's the point?" We're both 34 years old and I know she regrets being with me. That hurts. I want kids. I do. I didn't in the beginning and she was ok with that but somewhere along the way it became a deal breaker. That's unfair. I hope she has her kid. She'd be a good mother.

Second, this kid thing is looming over me as i'm encountering a sea of guarded single mothers. Looks I like a showed up to the party too late because everyone seems so angry. I'm this open-hearted guy, with nothing to hide, meeting people who assume I'm like everyone else they've encountered.

Here's the deal. I do want to have sex with you if i'm attracted to you and that should be OK. Otherwise what's the point? Isn't that part of a relationship leading to marriage? I am not going to try to trick you or deceive you. I don't do that. It is a matter of character and I'd like to think that I have some. When I look at your profile I want to connect not audition because it goes both ways.

The single mothers are new to me. How do I fit in their lives? It has been said that the greatest threat to a man is the creation of a child because in doing that they are bringing into being the person that their wives will love more than them. For women living established lives that do not need a man where do I fit in their lives? For women unestablished, my job and home are an aphrodisiac. I am going to miss the woman that was with me when I was nothing. There was comfort in not having to doubt that motivation. Even now, she has remained true to her word. We are doing a no contest divorce with everything divided by half. If everything goes as planned I should be divorced by May or June with minimal headache.

I tell you all this because after you eliminate all the single mothers, older divorced women, you are left with very few unmarried single ladies with kids. This is depressing. Who among you would be interested in going out with a short Hispanic guy with a nice smile and sad eyes only to one day have the pleasure of enjoying 45 seconds of disappointing yet entertaining fun that might lead to something long term in which whose spawn if ever implanted might be the antichrist? Dear lord. WTF?

Ted says that his thanksgiving didn't go well but that having people in his life is what made it possible to get through the rough spots. I don't have anyone. Every holiday I spent it alone since we lived in a very small town. We moved to Dallas recently and i'm still meeting people here. I have friends from high school but not anyone who I can call and talk to.

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