Sunday, February 21, 2016

Season 1, Episode 7 (Matchmaker)

LVL 10 Good Guy Blog (How I Met Your Mother Read Along) Season 1, Episode 7 (Matchmaker)

My Only Match

In this episode, Ted goes to a matchmaker and discovers that his only match is getting married. Dear reader, I don't have a deep connection to this episode so I'll cover some highlights then use this entry as an excuse to give an update.

Somewhere along the way I accepted this feeling. I didn't think about it much actually. I was resigned to the decisions I'd made and that was that. Kind of depressing. Now? I don't feel that way anymore. Everyday that passes I'm discovering new things about myself and the world that I like. Like yesterday, I decided that that I like color. I went searching for waste baskets at a thrift store and now i'm repurposing some colorful ones that are totally masculine and colorful. 

As for the matchmaker thing, I'm not sure I subscribe to the only one theory. In the episode, everyone gets a match rating. OkCupid does something similar. I don't think the number is supposed to me that they are the one but more that it gives you an indication of those similar to you that you get along with. I wish the world had the rating. Like wouldn't it be cool if we had badges that gave our name, criminal history, and people compatibility rating? Super cool. I don't just mean romantically. I digress, I think it is pretty cool to see the answers other people give compared to yours on OkCupid. Enough of this. Update time.

Facing Solitude

I did it. No, I didn't find a one night stand or a FWB. More on that later. I contacted my wife on Saturday. In five text messages, I made arrangements for her to do our taxes, transfer phone responsibilities, and arrange for her to come get the leftover stuff she left behind. It was overwhelming. This has been looming over me the entire week. I need this to be over. Its like breaking up all over again every time this person pops up and the idea that I'm going to look at the phone and get a message is hard.

Friday I was thinking about this and feeling bad so I decided to go to a bar. (Read blog entry Season 1, Episode 6 for a recap of my state of mind. ) In fact, I decided to visit three bars just for good measure. One thing to note is that I'm a 5 foot 2 inches Hispanic diabetic that can't drink, hates bars, and is scared of people.

I was going to try to execute my FWB plan. I drove around until I found a bar near my home. I parked. I did some breathing exercises in the car. I walked in to see everyone in fancy suits. I was wear t shirt and jeans. Is this normal? 

Four really tall black guys greeted me as a giant would a hobbit and when they spoke I swear that the Dwarfs in the mountains could hear it. I immediately surmised that I was in the wrong place and left. I came home. That was it.

I went home to face the solitude. I reflected about what was going on and realized that I just needed to get this next thing over it and that no woman's vagina was going to help me send that text. (Don't get me wrong, the force is strong with me but I don't think I'm going to find that and I can't do the serious relationship right now because my heart hurts.)

This means that I put a clock on getting my condo in order. She will be here next Saturday at noon. I have to go through the rest. That's been hard. I keep finding pictures, papers, her crap everywhere, and it makes me sad. To combat this effect, I've decided to nerd out my condo. My going through stuff is now about me and my new life. I'm rearranging things and planning for what will go on the walls and future projects to work on. I guess in psychology they call this 

Here's the wiki entry on it.  

In psychologysublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are unconsciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse.

That's it for now. I word to people reading this blog. Thank you. I know for a fact a few people are reading. Keep reading. I know it is deeply personal and kind of cool in a watch a car wreck sort of way. I'm cool with you being here. I'm trying to get better. I'm healing and your presence is helping. If you feel like leaving a comments below please do so. I may or may not respond.

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